Women’s Ministry shares the same purpose as the church: we exist to give God glory by loving Him with all our heart, soul, and mind, and by loving others as ourselves (Matthew 22:37-39).   While we share the same purpose as the church, our make-up is obviously different: we are women!  We seek to fulfill this purpose within Women’s Ministry by providing opportunities for women of all walks to encounter God and experience His transforming grace and presence in their lives primarily through the study of God’s Word, prayer, and Christ-centered community.  

The specific ministry opportunities we provide vary year-to-year, but our focus stays the same.  As we experience Christ-centered community together, we want women to know that they can come as they are, be known and loved as they are, and expect that God can meet and minister to them where they are.  We believe that we have been created for relationship – with God and with each other – so authentic community is an invaluable aspect of Women’s Ministry that we desire to be central in all that we do.  If you desire to join the community of women here at HGC, we would be blessed to have you!

Whether it is managing a busy household, expectations from work, or life’s trials we can all agree that life is hard. Not just hard but tiring. Every first Wednesday of each month we gather for an hour to pray together with the intent to help reset our focus and to find refreshment in Christ.

For more information, please email us at hgc@gospelco.org